Americans Expect To Spend Over $21 Billion On Mother’s Day

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  In 1907, Anna Jarvis began a movement to convince lawmakers to set a special day to honor America’s mothers. Many states began celebrating Mother’s Day by 1911. However, it was not until 1914 that Woodrow Wilson finally managed to persuade the U.S.Congress to set the second Sunday of May to honor moms.
  The former U.S. President decided to take it as a day to publicly express our love for the mothers of our country. Little did he know that Americans would comply with his wishes by putting Mother’s Day into the third biggest consumer (消费者) spending event of the year—right after winter holidays and back to school/college season.
  This year, Americans expect to spend $21.4 billion, or about $172.22 per person. This is a little higher than last year’s record $21.2 billion and almost a 60% increase in spending since 2009. So what do we spend all this money on?
  According to a survey (调查), most of it will be on jewelry ($4.2 billion) and dinner, brunch or other outings ($4.1 billion). Flowers, consumer electronics (电子产品), and other small things are the next favorite gifts of choice, with about $2 billion spent on each. CD’s, personal (个性的) services are some of the other gifts that moms receive from their loved ones on this special day.
  Not sure what to get mom? A recent survey by showed that mothers love gifts that are personal. This means that you do not have to spend lots of money to make your mom happy. A handmade card or photo of a special memory you shared with her will be OK. Or spend the day just relaxing with mom and it will also be fun!
  1. Who led the movement to start Mother’s Day?
  A. Woodrow Wilson. B. Anna Jarvis.
  C. The former U.S. President.
  2. When did they finally agree to have the holiday?
  A. In 1907. B. In 1911.
  C. In 1914.
  3. How much are Americans expecting to spend on Mother’s Day this year?
  A. $21.4 billion. B. $4.2 billion.
  C. $172.22.
  4. Why do you not have to spend much money to make your mom happy? Because______ is not expensive.
  A. consumer electronics B. jewelry
  C. a handmade card
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