My Opinions On TV Shows

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  Hello, everybody. I’m Chen Yanran. Today I’m so happy to give my opinions to you.
  I like watching soap operas. Some people think they are boring and meaningless. But I think they are relaxing and funny. Because I like to follow the story and see what happens next. I also like watching the news. They may not be very exciting or interesting, but I think they are useful and educational. I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. I like sitcomes and comedies very much, because they are very funny. They always make me laugh. When I watch them, I will be so happy. I don’t mind sports shows and talk shows. I think they are boring. You know I don’t like doing sports, although doing sports is good for me.
  These are my opinions. What are your opinions?
  本文是八年级学生的一篇课堂作文,是关于对各类电视节目的看法。文章一开始就点题,愿与大家分享自己的观点,然后选择了几种典型的电视节目,如肥皂剧、新闻、情景喜剧、体育节目和访谈节目进行了观点表达,同时也猜想了其他人的观点。本文表达清晰,进行细节描述时词汇运用丰富,很有条理性,且观点鲜明。较丰富的细节描写也为此篇文章增色不少。本篇文章基本上不用修改。当然文章中也存在单词拼写错误,如sitcomes应该是sitcoms, 以及语法运用错误,如news应该是不可数名词,代词应该是it。
  Hello, everybody. I’m Chen Yanran. Today I’m so happy to share my opinions with you.
  I like watching soap operas. Some people think they are boring and meaningless. But I think they are relaxing and funny, because I like to follow the story and see what happens next. I also like watching TV news. It may not be very exciting or interesting, but I think it is useful and educational. I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. I like sitcoms and comedies very much, because they are very funny. They always make me laugh. When I watch them, I will be so happy. I don’t love sports shows or talk shows. I think they are boring. You know I’m not interested in doing sports, although doing sports is good for me.
  These are my opinions, and what about yours?
在那个故步自封的年代,当一群拖着长辫子、身着长袍马褂的孩子越过大洋登上旧金山码头时,传奇就此开始。  1872年至1875年,在曾国藩、李鸿章、容闳等洋务派的主持下,清政府先后派出四批共120名,年龄在9~15岁的学生赴美求学,他们拥有一个共同的名字:“留美幼童。”在当时递给朝廷的奏折中,此番壮举被誉为“中华创始之举,古来未有之事”,开启了中国官费留学的先河。  从此,晚清民初的历史舞台上,出现了
“Battleships” is a fun game for developing logic and deductive skills and practicing coordination (“怒海争锋”是一款既开发逻辑推理技能又能练习协调能力的有趣的游戏).  Give each player a pencil and a print-out of the Battleships game
你去你的未来我去我的未来/我们只能在彼此的梦境里虚幻地徘徊/徘徊在你的未来徘徊在我的未来/徘徊在水里火里汤里冒着热气期待/期待更美的人到来期待更好的人到来/期待我们的灵魂附体/重新回来……  ——盲人民谣歌手周云蓬凭借《不会说话的爱情》获得2011年度人民文学诗歌奖,他的获奖词是“诗人天高地远、水静沙明的内心世界,具有宽厚的包容,值得我们向他表达内心的敬意”(湖北生如夏花荐)  “不要问我从哪里来
艾丽丝不喜欢多里亚老师,她觉得多里亚是她见过的最讨厌的老师。当然,这也和她讨厌文学课有关,她讨厌那些冗长的文章和难懂的句子。所以,她理所当然地不喜欢教文学课的多里亚老师。但是偏偏多里亚老师课上总喜欢向她提问,每当艾丽丝在课堂上走神的时候,多里亚老师就会叫她的名字,然后笑眯眯地等着她回答问题。  艾丽丝不止一次跟同学们抱怨文学课的枯燥和多里亚老师的讨厌。这天,艾丽丝在教室里说:“多里亚老师像一只鼹鼠
The verb “see” is used when observing something through the eyes, but it also means to visit, to have a relationship with another person, and to understand.  1. We went to see a play at this theater. 
The verb “make” means to create or produce; however, this word has many different meanings, so think carefully about each situation in which it is used.  “make”用法举例  1. He’s making a pizza.  make = co
当我三年前读高中时在美国交流的时候,第一次去北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简称UNC),就不禁爱上了这所美国学府。春天的校园,繁花似锦,百年古树的树荫下,学生们席地坐着或者躺着,读书或快乐地交谈。校园里充满着宁静、古朴而踏实的气氛。当时就想着,自己有一天能捧着几本书漫步在这样的环境中,该是多么美好的事。  UNC是
同学们,你们知道粉印版画吗?粉印版画和我们平时的绘画作品不太一样,它有着特别的装饰效果。今天,我就来教教大家怎样制作一幅既完整又美观的粉印版画。大家赶紧准备好工具,和我一起动手制作吧!  吹塑纸、卡纸、颜料、水粉笔、铅笔、夹子、水彩笔。  1. 创作线稿  根据自己创作的意图或根据老师的作业要求,用线描画的形式起稿。  2. 过稿  先用干布轻轻摩擦刻版用的吹塑纸,使其表面没有光泽,便于上色。再用
导读:来自墨尔本的插画家和摄影师Domenic Bahmann通过无限的想象力,将平淡无奇的生活用品转变为生动有趣的艺术作品。如果我们也能够像他一样善于在生活中发挥创造力,那么每个人都能成为杰出的创意人,至少你会发现生活正在发生微妙的变化。  Domenic Bahmann is an art director and designer based in Melbourne.  By day, h