Values Education of Children from Teachers and Parents

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  For many countries, including Australia, the future depends on each person who has necessary skills, knowledge, understanding and values for a productive, rewarding and meaningful life in a just, open and educated society (Values education 2005). Values education is a very important part for each child and teenager. First of all, we should know what value is. The meaning of value encompasses a wide range, from a sense of estimation, comparison with something, to consideration of worth and merit(Jayalakshmi 2001). However, usually people consider values as ideals that give meaning to our life and reflect what we care about most. Secondly, values are different depending on different people, such as freedom, responsibility, and honesty and so on. Next, the concepts of values often develop during one’s early and middle years. They are usually influenced by family, environment, culture, world views, and one’s personality and so on. Education has a great effect on the formation of children and teenagers’ values. This education may come from many different parts, parents, teachers, schools. The role of each part is different. This essay focuses on discussion about different role of parents and teachers, and how they rely on each other to get the best output of children’s values.
  Values education as Parents
  Parents play a very important role in helping their children develop their values. Usually, parents are considered as the first and most important teachers who have impact on the lifelong values of their children from an early stage. First, when the children are little, like the infants, toddlers or even in the womb, how parents influence the baby at this time. Basically, there are many methods. For example, parents shouldn’t only comment on physical appearance, such as telling the child, “Baby, you are so cute” (Tillman 2000). If this happens often, the baby will get some ideas about beauty depending on one’s appearance gradually, which may lead the children to judge someone by their outside after growing up. Second, after the baby grows up, finding some time every day to play with them is very important. This precious time is that when you could tell the children some values in daily life. When you play games, like cards and board games, soccer or circle dances with children, you should not make themselves competitive , instead, it is better for parents to give examples of graceful winning and losing (Tillman 2000). Next, when the children go to school, as parents, finding quality time everyday to be with children is necessary. Even give 15 minutes of your full attention, chat with them about their day. It is said that the older children need much more attention than the younger children (Tillman 2000). Because after schooling, they may meet much more problems from peer and so on. Another important thing at this stage is that parents should set themselves as examples, because children are influenced easily by the surroundings at these ages. Parents are the people who always stay with their child. They may easily influence their child in their daily life. So, what the parents do everyday, which is the thing for young children to copy easily. The last thing, which I want to tell, is that praise is usually a positive reinforcer for most children (Tillman 2000). When the children get praise or affirmation for a particular behaviour, that behaviour is likely to increase in their life (Tillman 2000). It is a good way to encourage the children; if they did something right and they will remember this for a long time.   Values Education as teachers
  Teacher is also one of the significant roles in values education. Good teachers make good schools and a good nation. They are the foundations of a nation; because they have to be competent and be committed by developing values in the future citizens (Maheshwari n.d.). Firstly, as we all know, the kingpin in the schooling process is the teacher. If the teacher is personally committed to the values and practises them in his or her life, it is pretty sure that his or her students will absorb the values for which the teacher stands (Maheshwari n.d.). So, teachers are also role models for the students in school. If a teacher always justifies herself, she will get more respect from the students and the students can learn more from this teacher. Therefore, if values have to be nurtured in students it would be important that their teachers function as role models (Maheshwari n.d.). Secondly, school is a small society. Students should learn to deal with different people, and different thing, which they may never meet at home. At this time, teacher is like a guide, who can give the right direction to the students and tell them how to deal with this kind of thing, even after them entering the society. The responsibilities of teacher are beyond the class to help the students developing the social and civic skills. For example, as shown in Values for Australian Schooling Professional Learning Resources – Secondary (2005), the students are always required to work in groups as co-learners in class and the skills include speaking, listening, asking questions, responding, negotiating and cooperating in group works. These skills are so helpful for the students in the future work place. As teachers, they should tell them what the right way is to do this kind of work and help the students to develop these skills gradually.
  Values education to children and teenage is extremely important, because they are the future of our country. All of the parents and teachers play an equal role in developing values. Schools are a basement of values education, they put out the framework and some principles to support teachers and parents. Teachers and parents rely on each other, sometimes the roles of teachers and parents are mixed together, but their purpose is the same, that is, to work together to get the best output of children’s values.
  [1]Jayalakshmi,TK 2001,Curriculum in Values Education,viewed 15 April 2015,.
  [2]Maheshwari AN n.d.,Value Orientation in Teacher Education,viewed 15 April 2015,.
  [3]Tillman,D 2000,Living Values Parent Groups:A facilitator Guide,Health Communication,New York.
  [4]Values Education 2005,Australian Government-Department of Education,Employment and Workplace Relations,viewed 18 April 2015,.
  [5]Values for Australian Schooling Professional Learning Resources-Secondary,2005,Curriculum Corporation,Carlton South.
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入,教师应明确教学改革的首要目标就是:教师在教学中应根据学生的学习差异做到因材施教,尊重每一位学生,平等对待班级中的优生与差生,制定适合每一位学生进步发展的教学设计,全面培养学生的学习能力与合作精神,逐渐实现差生与优生的互促作用。  【关键词】初中英语 教学 实现 差生与优生 互促作用 探讨  在初中英语的教学中,由于学生的基础不同,学习与理解能力的参差不齐,学生的学习效
【摘要】导入对一堂课的成功教学起到重要的作用。小学英语学习在英语的学习过程中处于初始阶段,小学阶段良好的英语学习经历能为今后英语的学习打下坚实的基础,良好的导入是小学英语有效学习的重要前提。  【关键词】小学英语 导入式教学 兴趣  导入式教学可以是一首英文歌,可以是一个有趣的故事,还可以是一种关于英语的游戏,它的主要目标就是为了创造良好的课堂氛围,让学生在欣赏和参与中陶冶情操和情感。课堂使用wa
【摘要】在初中英语教学过程中,任课教师要给予高度的重视,以优化课堂教学效果,开启初中生英语学习思维为教学目标。但目前,新课程背景下,初中英语教学仍面临着多种问题,无法顺应新课改形式,导致教学手段落后,初中生英语学习效率较低。为了改善这些问题,笔者提出了相应了解决途径,希望能够对初中英语教学工作的顺利开展起到一定参考作用。  【关键词】新课程 初中英语教学 问题 解决途径  英语作为一种国际使用范围
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