After many years of exploration and demonstration, coal-to-liquids technology has now basically achieved technical feasibility. At the same time, the drop in coal prices and the high oil prices have also made coal-to-liquids projects more economical. Against this background, the government gradually relaxed the strict restrictions on the establishment of coal-to-oil projects and started the conditional approval of the second round of coal-to-oil demonstration projects. Through the demonstration, we can see that coal-to-oil technology has been criticized for water, emissions and other issues can be properly increased investment to solve, will not constitute an obstacle to technological development. However, coal-to-liquid products will face fierce competition in the refined oil product market. Due to the attacks on LNG and electric vehicles, their market risks need to be carefully assessed. However, the characteristics of indirect coal liquefaction technology to make it more flexibility, the shift toward the chemical industry may be a breakthrough in the future.