肠易激综合征 (IBS)病因和发病机制复杂 ,迄今尚未完全清楚 ,且发病率有上升趋势 ,治疗上尚无肯定的统一方案与药物。现将 2年来我们采用中西医结合方式治疗的属中医辨证分型中的肝郁脾虚型IBS病人 2 4例总结如下。1 临床资料目前对IBS的诊断多采用罗马Ⅱ诊断标准 ,按中医辨证
The etiology and pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are complex and have not been fully understood so far. The incidence of IBS is on the rise. There is still no definite protocol or drug for treatment. 2 years now we use the combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment is a TCM syndrome type of liver spleen deficiency type IBS patients 24 cases are summarized as follows. 1 clinical data currently used in the diagnosis of IBS Rome II diagnostic criteria, according to TCM syndrome differentiation