A Possible Dynamic Mechanism for Rapid Production of the Extreme Hourly Rainfall in Zhengzhou City o

来源 :气象学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcllq
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In this study, the unprecedented extreme rainfall event during 19–20 July 2021, which caused devastating flooding in Zhengzhou City and its nearby areas, is examined based on observational data analysis and WRF model 40-h sim- ulations on 1-km horizontal resolution. The results show that the model successfully reproduces (i) major synoptic- scale weather systems (i.e., the western Pacific subtropical high, the Tibetan high, two typhoons, and the Huang–Huai cyclone), (ii) convective initiation along the east to north edge of the Songshan Mountain, where orographic lifting is obvious, and (iii) subsequent formation of the convective storm producing the extreme rainfall in Zhengzhou. In par- ticular, the model generates the maximum rainfall rate of 233 mm h?1 and 40-h accumulated rainfall of 704 mm, cor- responding well to the observed extreme values of 201.9 mm h?1 and 818 mm, at nearly observed timing and loca- tion. Importantly, the model reproduces an intense quasi-stationary, well-organized meso-γ-scale convective system, surrounded by an arc-shaped convergence zone, allowing the development of convective updrafts in a three-quarter circle around the convective system, in a way similar to “multidirectional pumping,” attracting all associated precipit- ation overlaid and concentrated into the same trailing region to generate the extreme hourly rainfall over Zhengzhou. Our study emphasizes the significant contribution of the unique dynamic structure of the well-organized meso-γ-scale convective system to the record-high hourly rainfall. A possible dynamic mechanism for short-time extreme rainfall production is proposed. That is, the arc-shaped convergence zone of the mesoscale convective system, acting like multidirectional lifting pumps, transports precipitation from different directions into the same region, and thus pro- duces the extreme rainfall. The results gained herein may shed new light on better understanding and forecasting of short-time extreme rainfall.
利用荆州6个国家气象站1989—2018年的夏季逐日平均气温、相对湿度、风速等气象要素,采用与经典人体舒适度模式计算及评判结果对比分析的方法,建立荆州夏季人体舒适度模型,确定人体舒适度评判标准,并用湖北近30 a气象资料对各区域人体舒适度进行适用性分析.结果表明:荆州6市(县)一年中各有3个月的舒适期,松滋还有2个月的较舒适期,松滋气候条件最佳;湖北各区域30 a平均人体舒适度指数月分布均呈“W”型;鄂西南是湖北避暑胜地,松滋是荆州避暑胜地.
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