我该怎样梳理这份复杂心情? 我曾爱过一个女孩儿,我们走过两年的风风雨雨,但是后来因为买房的事发生争执,最终分手了。听朋友们说,她曾为此伤心地痛哭。后来我们又各自找了恋人,但是都没有持续多久。前天在街上吃饭时看见她,她那落寞的表情让我的饭吃得索然无味。我忘不了她,但是又觉得无法重拾这份让我痛得发抖的感情。我该如何梳理这复杂的心情? 山东小波小波: 你好!你和她显然有深厚的感情,不是一朝一夕能忘怀的。从心理上分析,让你现在如此心乱如麻的主要原因可能
How can I sort out this complex mood? I had loved a girl, we had two years of ups and downs, but later because of a dispute over the purchase of a house, eventually broke up. Listen to my friends, she cried sadly. Later, we each find a lover, but did not last long. The day before yesterday when I saw her in the street eating, her lonely expression let my meal eat boring. I can not forget her, but I feel unable to regain this feeling that makes me feel painful. How can I sort out this complex mood? Shandong wavelet wavelet: Hello! You and she obviously have a deep feeling, not overnight to forget. Psychologically, the main reason why you are so upset now is probably