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谁能玩转中国股市?首推自然是中国证监会,因为中国股市从来都是政策市。但一个成熟的证券市场恰恰应该是一个最自由的市场,证监会的作用只应是监管而不是指挥,政策市并不能代表证券市场未来发展的方向,所以我们不选它。其次是庄家,但随着投资理念与法规的成熟,“恶庄”时代终将过去。再加上证券市场上谁也不会承认自己是庄家。所以,我们也没有选它。我们从证券市场上各种力量之中,选出了私募基金、公募基金、券商、散户精英、金融证券专家、财经记者6种人,首先是看看他们是如何在中国证券市场上玩得转,然后是看看他们怎样玩转中国股市。另外,在私募基金背负了如此之多的骂名,并且令管理层非常敏感的时候,世纪联融能够坦承他们就是私募,并把他们的理念、操作手法、个中内幕告诉读者。 Who can play the Chinese stock market? Devaluation naturally is the China Securities Regulatory Commission, because the Chinese stock market has always been the policy market. However, a mature stock market should be just the most free market. The role of the SFC should be supervised rather than direct. The policy market can not represent the future direction of the stock market. Therefore, we do not choose it. Followed by the dealer, but with the maturity of the investment philosophy and laws and regulations, “evil village ” era will end. Plus nobody in the stock market admits to being a dealer. So, we did not choose it. We selected six types of private equity funds, public funds, brokerages, retail elites, financial securities experts and financial reporters from the various forces in the securities market. The first is to see how they are playing in China’s securities market , Then look at how they play with the Chinese stock market. In addition, when private equity funds carry so much infamy and make management very sensitive, Century Financial can admit that they are private equity and tell their readers their ideas, practices and inside stories.