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  A “Chinese moment”in Africa
  非洲正成为与中国开展基础设施和国际产能合作的示范。在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴,街边到处是中国建筑集团有限公司的标语和吊车,非盟总部就是这家中企的杰作,如今总部附近,一家安徽企业的标语十分醒目。市内,轻轨、高架桥:市外,高速公路、收费站、路灯,充满了中国气息,更不用说非洲第一条电气化铁路——亚吉铁路了。中非合作因而成为“一带一路”倡导的洲际合作的示范。把中国资金、技术、市场、企业、人才和成功发展经验等相对发展优势,同非洲丰富的自然资源、巨大的人口红利和市场潜力紧密结合起来,必将创造出新的发展奇迹。中国现代化经验最为鲜活,与非洲合作政治基础最好,中国梦正激励和塑造非洲奇迹、非洲梦。 “一带一路”是世界的希望工程,非洲是希望的大陆,与“一带一路”进行目标、任务、经验、智慧对接最为积极。埃塞俄比亚、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、刚果(布)成为中非产能合作先行先试的示范国家。在中非约翰内斯堡峰会上宣布的中非十大合作计划中,高速公路网、高速铁路网、区域航空网、基础设施工业化的“三网一化”,正在推进非洲的横向互联互通和区域合作,改变非洲被全球化的命运,打造非洲版全球化。
  Rviewing the history ofAfrica we can see most of its countries still failed tofind a development path that suits their own national conditions in spite oflong-run exploration. At present, African countries begin turning their eyes onto theEast. They are shifting from relying on external assistance to taking the initiative tolearn from China's experience of independent development. To do so, they start topromote investment and opening up.Africa is experiencing a "Chinese moment".
  Africa is now becoming a demonstrator of cooperation with China oninfrastructure construction and international production capacity. In AddisAbaba, capital of Ethiopia, the streets are buzzed with slogans and cranes ofChina State Construction Engineering Corporation(CSCEC), and the AfricanUnion (AU) headquarters is a masterpiece built by this Chinese company.Today, the slogan of an Anhui-based company is very eye-catching near theheadquarters. Chinese elements can be seen everywhere, from the light rail andoverpasses in the city to the highways, toll stations and street lamps outsidethe city, let alone the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, Africa's first electrifiedrailway. China-Africa cooperation is thus becoming a demonstrator ofinter-continental cooperation advocated by the Belt and Road Initiative. It will definitelycreate a new miracle of development when China's comparative developmentadvantages, including capital, technology market, business, talent and successfuldevelopment experience, are combined closely with the rich natural resources,huge demographic dividend and market potential of Africa. China's modernizationprocess is a living experience. China and Africa enjoy the best political foundationfor cooperation. The Chinese dream is encouraging and shaping an African miracleand African dream. The Belt and Road Initiative brings hope of developmentacross the globe. Africa, a vast land of hope, shows its highest enthusiasm to getsynchronized with the goal, task, experience and wisdom of the Belt and RoadInitiative. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, and the Republic of Congo have becomethe first group of pilot countries for production capacity cooperation betweenChina and Africa. Among the ten China-Africa cooperation plans announced atthe Johannesburg Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the initiativeof "three networks and one industrialization" (highway network, high-speedrailway network, regional aviation network and infrastructure industrialization) ispromoting horizontal interconnection and regional cooperation in Africa, shiftingthe continent's position from a follower to an active player in globalization.   Africa is a key pilot for China and foreign countries to learn from each other.In 2010, Ethiopia worked out and implemented its first five-year Growth andTransformation Plan (GTP). It placed emphasis on construction of infrastructureincluding hydropower stations and railways, and ondevelopment of manufacturing, with the objectiveof building itself into a middle-income economy by2025. In 2015, the first five-year plan was completedwith a great success, so the government startedthe second five-year plan in 2016. Walking out ofAfrica from Ethiopia, human beings has developedknowledge term of Ethiopiology which is one of theonly two studies named after an African country (theother is Egyptology), echoing Sinology. China's "fourmatters of confidence" (confidence in its socialist path,theory system and culture) is encouraging Ethiopiato work out its own version and demonstrate it toother African countries. For example, Federal MelesZenawi Leadership Academy follows the model of theParty School of the Central Committee of C.P.C. orthe China National School of Administration. In orderto attract Chinese investment, Ethiopia has adoptedthe Industrial Park Proclamation No.886/2015. Atthe AU headquarters, officials, journalists and thinktank leaders from African countries read and reflectedon the works of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Bycomparing their reflections with the successfulexperience of the CPC, Chinese scholars also thinkChina can improve its own mode of development byreferring to African experience. In this way, China andAfrica have spontaneously started learning from eachother on mode of development. Taking its own newdevelopment concept into consideration, China hascreatively proposed five major cooperation concepts,i.e., common development, intensive development,green development, safe development and opendevelopment. These concepts have become a newconsensus on the development of China-Africacooperation.
  Africa is a continent of both hope and challenges.China and Africa, interdependent on each other, hasconstituted a community of shared future.
摘要:2013年中国提出“一带一路”倡议以来,亚非拉国家和欧盟主要国家广泛响应并积极参与。印度是中國对全球主要经济体投资增速最快的国家之一,但印度对“一带一路”的态度一直比较消极。本文通过对“一带一路”国际合作框架理念与实践成果的梳理,结合印度对“一带一路”的认知和一些非经济因素的分析,提出推动中印经济合作的建议。  关键词>>一带一路 中国 印度 经济合作  一、中国与印度经济合作情况  (一)
A model for Sino-African relations and South-South cooperation  -Messages from Ambassadors of China and Ethiopia  中國驻埃塞俄比亚大使谈践:  中国和埃塞俄比亚在各领域合作具有良好发展前景,双方未来合作将以互利共赢、坚持正确义利观和“真、实、亲、诚”理念为方向。  两国关系当前处于历史
古城北京又聚八方宾朋,共襄合作盛举。  4月26日上午,习近平主席以《齐心开创共建“一带一路”美好未来》为题发表主旨演讲,拉开第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛大幕。  两年前的5月,首届高峰论坛擘画了共建“一带一路”的合作蓝图;两年后的今天,习近平主席在演讲中阐释了推动共建“一带一路”迈向高质量发展的前进方向,宣示了中国一系列重大改革开放新举措。正如习近平主席在演讲中所说:“让我们携起手来,一起
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World leaders laud BRI's substantial progress,envision promising future  在4月26日举行的第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上,多国领导人和联合国秘书长古特雷斯高度评价“一带一路”建设取得的重大成果,一致认为各国应携起手来,推动共建“一带一路”继续向高质量发展方向迈进。  Aconstellation of leade
译者按:本文作者尤里·伊戈列维奇,29岁,莫喀高铁项目部路基专业俄籍工程师,2016年3月入职中铁二院,负责莫喀高铁路基专业设计工作,是项目部按照“属地化”政策最早招聘的俄籍员工之一。尤里以第一人称记录下自己的工作经历。  2016年,我26岁。在此之前,我取得了大学学历并已从事专业工作满6年,先后参与过严寒冻土地区铁路、重载铁路以及高烈度地震区铁路的设计工作,主要负责路基、轨道设计及各种计算,并
Strengthening the demonstration role of China-Ethiopia cooperation  近幾年,中埃合作成绩斐然,在基础设施、产业园区、教育合作、医疗救助、文化交流、旅游等领域都建立起创新合作模式。这些成绩的背后,是“一带一路”建设、埃塞俄比亚“五年计划”等国家规划层面的助推,也是高层互访成果的见证。  2018年9月,中非合作论坛北京峰会前夕,中国