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企业文化离我们是如此之近。以至于:——地不分南北,厂不论大小,几乎每个企业墙上都写着企业精神,每个企业都在搞企业文化建设。——各种名目的企业文化学习班、研讨会、培训班、讲座,蜂拥而上,其内容和结论五花八门。——洋洋洒洒几百部论著,几万篇文章,众说不一。大多是你抄我、我抄你,把企业文化按广义文化学的概念无限制的扩展变形,使得企业文化概念的内涵漫无边际,外延无边无际。内容越传越宽,越抄越玄。使人摸不透、看不明,无所适从,只能望“文”兴叹。并推而广之,下到车间文化、班组文化,外到社区文化、城市文化以至饮食文化、厕所文化,不一而足。——企业文化这个“筐”里什么都装。几乎企业的一切都是企业文化,有观念形态的文化,例如企业经营理念、企业价值观、企业精神;有职工的文化、技术、业务教育;有群众性的文学艺术活动、体育运动;有职工思想政治工作;有企业制度和行为规范,把任何一个厂规与文化一词连接起来,就构成了某一方面的制度文化;有企业的物质文化,例如设备、厂房、产品。——用企业文化来包装上市,企业文化的总结,基本上是思想政治工作经验,穿靴戴帽,贴“文化”标签。 Corporate culture is so close to us. So: - regardless of the size of the plant, regardless of size, almost every business wall are written in the spirit of enterprise, each enterprise is engaged in corporate culture. - Various names of corporate culture classes, seminars, training courses, lectures, flocked to the contents and conclusions of a wide range. - Energetic hundreds of books, tens of thousands of articles, different opinions. Mostly you copy me, I copy you, the concept of corporate culture by liberal arts unlimited expansion of deformation, making the connotation of the concept of corporate culture endless, extension endless. The wider the content, the more copy Yue Xuan. Touching, unknown, confused, can only hope “Man ” sigh. And then wide, down to the workshop culture, team culture, outside to the community culture, urban culture and diet culture, toilet culture, and so forth. - Corporate culture in this “basket ” What are installed. Almost all enterprises are corporate culture, the concept of the shape of the culture, such as business philosophy, corporate values, entrepreneurial spirit; workers with the culture, technology, business education; a mass of literary and artistic activities, sports; workers ideas Political work; enterprise system and code of conduct, any plant rules and culture of the word connected to form a certain aspect of the system culture; there is a corporate material culture, such as equipment, plants, products. - Use the corporate culture to package listing, corporate culture summary, is basically the ideological and political work experience, wearing boots, paste “culture ” label.
“问渠哪得清如许,唯有泉头活水来”,“钱学森之问”曾经刺痛了亿万教育工作者的心.作为一线化学教育者,在实验中培育学生的创新意识,是我们对“钱学森之问”的应有之意.实验是化学的灵魂,是化学的魅力和激发学生学习兴趣的主要源泉,更是培养和发展学生思维能力和创新能力的重要方法和手段.为此,我们在实验中应该有如下作为.  一、激活创新意识,鼓励学生思考  1.激活创新意识  创新意识是学生创新行为前应有的梦
A密电。30公斤冰毒。不要拿共产党史员的标准来衡量这帮财神爷。 眼看着就要下班了,一阵急促的电话铃声将我拉到了一部红色的电话机旁。电话是省公安厅禁毒办打来的,在未说
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