Optimizing Parameters of CSM-CERES-Maize Model to Improve Simulation Performance of Maize Growth and

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niechunming521
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Crop models can be useful tools for optimizing fertilizer management for a targeted crop yield while minimizing nutrient losses.In this paper,the parameters of the decision support system for agrotechnology transfer(DSSAT)-CERES-Maize were optimized using a new method to provide a better simulation of maize(Zea mays L.) growth and N uptake in response to different nitrogen application rates.Field data were collected from a 5 yr field experiment(2006-2010) on a Black soil(Typic hapludoll) in Gongzhuling,Jilin Province,Northeast China.After cultivar calibration,the CERES-Maize model was able to simulate aboveground biomass and crop yield of in the evaluation data set(n-RMSE=5.0-14.6%),but the model still over-estimated aboveground N uptake(i.e.,with E values from-4.4 to-21.3 kg N ha-1).By analyzing DSSAT equation,N stress coefficient for changes in concentration with growth stage(CTCNP2) is related to N uptake.Further sensitivity analysis of the CTCNP2 showed that the DSSAT model simulated maize nitrogen uptake more precisely after the CTCNP2 coefficient was adjusted to the field site condition.The results indicated that in addition to calibrating 6 coefficients of maize cultivars,radiation use efficiency(RUE),growing degree days for emergence(GDDE),N stress coefficient,CTCNP2,and soil fertility factor(SLPF) also need to be calibrated in order to simulate aboveground biomass,yield and N uptake correctly.Independent validation was conducted using 2008-2010 experiments and the good agreement between the simulated and the measured results indicates that the DSSAT CERES-Maize model could be a useful tool for predicting maize production in Northeast China. Crop models can be useful tools for optimizing fertilizer management for a targeted crop yield while minimizing liquid nutrient losses. In this paper, the parameters of the decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) -CERES-Maize were optimized using a new method to provide a better simulation of maize (Zea mays L.) growth and N uptake in response to different nitrogen application rates. Field data were collected from a 5 yr field experiment (2006-2010) on a Black soil (Typic hapludoll) in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province , Northeast China. After cultivar calibration, the CERES-Maize model was able to simulate aboveground biomass and crop yield of in the evaluation data set (n-RMSE = 5.0-14.6%), but the model still over-estimated aboveground N uptake ( ie, with E values ​​from-4.4 to -21.3 kg N ha-1) .By analyzing DSSAT equation, N stress coefficient for changes in concentration with growth stage (CTCNP2) is related to N uptake. Temperature sensitivity analysis of the CTCNP2 showed that the DSSAT model simulat ed maize nitrogen uptake more precisely after the CTCNP2 coefficient was adjusted to the field site condition. These results indicated that in addition to calibrating 6 coefficients of maize cultivars, radiation use efficiency (RUE), growing degree days for emergence (GDDE), N stress coefficient, CTCNP2, and soil fertility factor (SLPF) also need to be calibrated in order to simulate aboveground biomass, yield and N uptake correctly. dependent validation was conducted using 2008-2010 experiments and the good agreement between the simulated and the measured result that the DSSAT CERES-Maize model could be a useful tool for predicting maize production in Northeast China.
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