Influence of statistical time range on estimating seismicity parameters

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:surtacohen1
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The influence of non-uniqueness in selecting statistical time ranges on seismicity parameters of b value and annual mean occurrence rate n4 is widely analyzed and studied. The studied result states that the influence of statistical time range on the b value is generally smaller than on the annual mean rate. Owing to the exponentially functional relation between the annual mean rate and b value, the variation of b value by varying statistical time range brings about decrease or increase in the annual mean rates of each magnitude interval with power progression law. These results will exert a synthetic effect on seismic safety evaluation results in various regions in our country. The influence of non-uniqueness in selecting statistical time ranges on seismicity parameters of b value and annual mean occurrence rate n4 is widely analyzed and studied. The studied result states that the influence of statistical time range on the b value is generally smaller than on the Owing to the exponentially functional relation between the annual mean rate and b value, the variation of b value by varying statistical time range brings about decrease or increase in the annual mean rate of each magnitude interval with power progression law. These results will exert a synthetic effect on seismic safety evaluation results in various regions in our country.
本文简要介绍缅甸汉语教学现状。按不同的教学方式,将其分为母语教学与第二语言教学,比较二者在教材、师资、课堂教学、课程设置、考核方式等方面的特点。 This article bri
相似的“脸”,不同的“心”  右边这组“汉字”看上去好像都差不多,放在一起看,似乎很容易能看出谁和谁是“一家子”,但是如果单拿出来,有一些还真的很难猜出来它代表什么意思,比如“賛”、“訳”、“渋”、“纖”这几个字,乍一看之下,绝对能让一个学了几十年汉字的中国人感到一头雾水。这些汉字为什么写出来样子都这么奇怪?到底是有人故意把它们写错,还是说它们也在赶时髦,打算上演一出“模仿秀”呢?  其实,这些“
小儿镇静催眠药急性中毒可抑制呼吸循环中枢 ,危及生命。我院儿科用纳洛酮治疗患儿 2 8例 ,取得良好疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 我院儿科自 1996年以来收
自 1990年 12月至 2 0 0 1年 6月 ,我院对 4 8例晚期前例腺癌致后尿道梗阻患者采取经尿道前列腺切除加双侧睾丸切除术 (去势术 )。疗效满意。现将有关体会报告如下。1 临床