本文报道了泰国曼谷妇女使用T铜(TCu)380A和母体乐(ML)250 IUD12个月的临床观察结果,并对其并发症作了比较评估。本研究自1985年5月~1986年5月筛选无禁忌症的妇女1396例,均有性生活,年龄在18~40岁,随机分成两组,A组681例使用TCu 380A IUD,B组 715例使用ML250 IUD,两组的基线特征在统计学上相似。其中95%的妇女于月经间期放置IUD,其余均在产后≤42 d时放置,均在放置后的1、3、6、12、24、36和48个月时随访,出现并
This article reports the results of a 12-month clinical observation of Bangkok Thai women using TCu 380A and ML 250 IUD. The comparisons were made between the two groups. This study from May 1985 to May 1986 screening of 1396 women without contraindications, all have sex life, aged 18 to 40 years old, were randomly divided into two groups, A group of 681 cases using TCu 380A IUD, B group 715 Example Using the ML250 IUD, the baseline characteristics of both groups were statistically similar. 95% of them placed IUD in inter-menstrual period, the rest were all ≤42 days after delivery, all were followed up at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months after placement