Study on the Dining Etiquette Difference between China and Western Countries

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This paper attempts to discuss dining etiquette difference in China and western countries from the aspect of across-cultural communication by meticulously selecting many fresh examples. The author puts forward the main difference of dinner etiquette and the reasons for differences. It concludes that the methods for avoiding conflict. The research can offer a little help to the cross-cultural communication. This paper attempts to discuss dining etiquette difference in China and western countries from the aspect of across-cultural communication by meticously selected many fresh examples. The author puts forward the main difference of dinner etiquette and the reasons for differences. It concludes that the methods for avoiding conflict. The research can offer a little help to the cross-cultural communication.
2017年1月5日,根据最高人民法院及各地法院发布的失信被执行人信息统计,2016年12月,全國各地约有80多家陶瓷企业上榜“失信被执行人”名单,也就是俗称的“老赖”。上榜原因多为债务纠纷,欠款不还,大部分为拖欠供应商货款、拖欠工资、欠银行贷款以及拖欠融资租赁租金等,其中最高欠款高达两千万元。而在名单中,河南陶企最多,高达22家。  据悉,依据《最高人民法院关于公布失信被执行人名单信息的若干规定》
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