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Sidhu和他创立的i2Sidhu and His i2i2是个独特的公司。支持、帮助、为客户着想,是可以用来形容它的词语。Sanjiv Sidhu,这位被人描述为不冒失、不高声、不激进,诚恳而知识渊博的公司创立者,把750亿美元这个数字写进了公司目标。这个数字不是他要赚取的利润,而是 i2希望到2005年为它的客户提供的价值,通过收入增长或成本节约。Sidhu聘请了独立的审计公司监测和审核这一目标的实现。谁都明白,公司战略如果不能兑现,就什么也不值。而把目标数字举在头上,这表明了他的信心,他的决心,说明他的认真。外国媒体说,Sidhu紧闭嘴巴,高举起数字。他的目标数字和他完成的结果。Sanjiv Sidhu1957年出生于印度海德拉巴德,1979年在当地Osmania大学获化学工程学士学位,1982年在奥克拉何马大学获化工硕士学位,专攻利用计算机控制化工生产过程。作为一名化工工程师,他发现用于化工生产的大量化工原料很难通过电话、传真在短时间订货通知后交货。而计算机可以轻而易举 Sidhu and his founding i2Sidhu and His i2i2 are unique companies. Support, help, and consideration for customers are words that can be used to describe it. Sanjiv Sidhu, the founder of the company who was described as not afraid of losing, not loud, aggressive, sincere and knowledgeable, put a figure of US$75 billion into the company’s goals. This figure is not the profit he will earn, but the value that i2 hopes to provide its customers by 2005, through revenue growth or cost savings. Sidhu hired an independent audit company to monitor and review the achievement of this goal. Everyone understands that if the company’s strategy is not honored, it will be worth nothing. While the target number is on the head, it shows his confidence, his determination, and his seriousness. Foreign media said that Sidhu closed his mouth and raised the numbers high. His goal number and his completed result. Born in Hyderabad, India in 1957, Sanjiv Sidhu received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Osmania in 1979 and a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1982. He specializes in computer-controlled chemical production processes. As a chemical engineer, he found that a large amount of chemical raw materials used for chemical production was difficult to deliver by telephone or fax after a short notice of order. And the computer can be a breeze
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星期二  1  桌上凌乱对着单据  我在一堆价码的背面写信  红色的单据:合页、锁头、扳手  操作员:系统管理员  生冷的铁,需要  蓝色的格子  同时放入金属和忧郁  在离收信远千里的空白地  夜色如我  蛇死于自己的爬行。  2  暮光以虹撑起了日头。  公路下着雨,我们身体下着雨。  走上大路,  听车子碾压沥青拖出长长的沙沙声  听身体里雨下得沙沙声  ——如果人的本心是爱,拆开——  阴
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2001年2月,Entivity 宣告成立的消息在工业自动化领域引起了强烈的震撼。为什么 Entivity 会吸引如此之多的关注因为 Entivity 是在 PC-Based Control 领域两大巨头 Think &