严重高血钙伴有可触诊的甲状旁腺囊肿属于特殊病例,作者报告一例如下: C·让娜夫人,81岁,因下肢乏力于1984年10月入院。约20年来虽仅有甲状腺肿大,但有严重高血钙(4.15mmol/l)伴有血磷过低(0.63mmol/l)、高尿钙(20.5mmol/24h)。周期性肾性腺苷酸升高和甲状旁腺素增高,证实为原发性甲状旁腺机能亢进症。1980年曾记录有颈部肿瘤,但血钙正常;1984年1月血钙为4.5mmol/l时没有引起注意。超声波检查明确指出了有可触及的小肿物,但没有发现甲状旁腺腺瘤。同位素铊~(201)一锝扫描,显示
Severe hypercalcemia with palpable parathyroid cysts are special cases, the authors report an example as follows: Madame C. Jeanna, 81, was admitted to hospital in October 1984 due to weakness in the lower extremities. Although only goiter in about 20 years, severe hypercalcemia (4.15mmol / l) accompanied by hypophosphatemia (0.63mmol / l), hyperuricemia (20.5mmol / 24h). Cyclic renal adenosine and parathyroid hormone increased, confirmed as primary hyperparathyroidism. Neck tumors were recorded in 1980, but blood calcium was normal; in January 1984 when calcium was 4.5 mmol / l, no attention was paid. Ultrasonography clearly pointed out that there are palpable small tumors, but no parathyroid adenoma was found. Isotope thallium ~ (201) a technetium scan, showed