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消风剂是家父楚哲良(1898~1973)行医近六十年中,根据小儿脏腑生理特点,以及平时对小儿疾病临床用药的经验,经过数十年反复筛选,最后由凉而不滞,温而不燥的荆芥、防风、粉葛、前胡、枳壳、木通、浙贝、杏仁、僵蚕、蝉蜕、薄荷等十一味药物组成。笔者在三十余年的临床工作中,常用此方,随证加减,根据病情,灵活变通,每多获效。兹介绍如下:病案举例(一)外感发热李某,男,1岁6个月。住半工半读2栋3楼26号。于1980年9月23日初诊。母代诉:患儿己发热11天,以下午为重,在 Dispelling agent is the father of Chu Zheliang (1898 ~ 1973) practicing medicine in the last sixty years, according to the physiological characteristics of viscera in children, and the usual clinical experience of the use of pediatric disease, after several decades of repeated screening, the final cool without delay, temperature It is composed of eleven fragrant herbs such as Nepeta, wind-proof, kudzu, prunus cerevisiae, Citrus aurantium, Mutong, Zhebei, almonds, silkworms, alfalfa, and mint. In more than 30 years of clinical work, the author often used this side, adding or subtracting with the card, according to the disease, flexible, each more effective. Here is an introduction: Case examples (1) Exogenous fever Lee, male, 1 year and 6 months old. Stayed part-time and read 2 buildings on the 3rd floor 26th. First visit on September 23, 1980. Maternal v.: Children have been fever for 11 days, focusing on the afternoon,
For making it clear whether GABAA-like receptor is in cells or rat testis and how itsgene expresses in tissue cells, the mRNA of rat testis was microinjected in
中国工程爆破协会于 2 0 0 0年 11月 6~ 8日 ,在贵阳市召开了二届理事会二次会议暨工程爆破行业工作研讨会和国家标准《爆破安全规程》审稿会 ,出席会议的有来自全国的理事及
沙苑子(扁茎黄芪Astraglus complanatus R.Br.的种子)为常用中药,《本草纲目》列为上品,有补肾益精之功能,可用于治疗腰痛遗精、虚损劳乏。近几年来,科学工作者不断研究其营