胆酸的测定用于临床,自1982年以来国内已陆续报道,一致认为它是一项较为敏感的肝功能指标,对肝炎早期诊断和预后估计,有一定的价值。现将我室100例血清甘胆酸(Chalyl glycine,CG)测定结果与常用肝功检查对比分析如下。临床资料一、病例选择:按1984年南宁会议方案。本组100例中,急黄肝43例,慢迁肝30例,慢活肝19例,肝炎肝硬化8例。男68例,女32例。最小年龄3.5岁,最大年龄68岁。
Cholic acid determination for clinical use, since 1982 has been reported in China, agreed that it is a more sensitive indicators of liver function, early diagnosis and prognosis of hepatitis has a certain value. Now my room 100 cases of serum glycocholic acid (Chalyl glycine, CG) results and commonly used liver function tests were analyzed as follows. Clinical data A case selection: According to the 1984 Nanning conference program. In this group of 100 cases, 43 cases of acute yellow, slow-moving liver in 30 cases, slow-living liver in 19 cases, hepatitis cirrhosis in 8 cases. 68 males and 32 females. The youngest is 3.5 years old and the oldest is 68 years old.