在南北朝的历史进程中,佛教的发展完全依赖封建统治阶级的扶持与倡导,所谓“不依国主,则法事难立”。对于佛教与中国政治的这种关系,历代学者早已论及,也不乏鸿篇巨著,但至今很少有人注意北朝的“国主”中皇后集团与佛教的关系。这是人们习惯将皇后划入帝王附庸统而视之,而忽略其历史作用的缘故。其实不论是她们的社会地位、她们的心态以及与之带来的对于佛教这一重大社会现象的态度,都具有与其他统治阶层不同的特点,所以应予以充分的注意。 由于南北朝史籍中有关资料语焉不详,且零星散见,本文只能粗略地对北朝皇后与佛教的关系进行勾勒,谬误之处,敬请指正。
In the historical process of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the development of Buddhism completely depends on the support and advocacy of the feudal ruling class. To this relationship between Buddhism and Chinese politics, ancient scholars have long been involved, there is no shortage of masterpieces, but so far few people pay attention to the Northern Dynasty “Lord” in Queen’s Group and Buddhism. This is the reason that people are accustomed to regard the queen as the vassal of the emperors, ignoring the historical role. In fact, regardless of their social status, their mentality and the attitude toward Buddhism, a major social phenomenon they bring, all have different characteristics from other ruling classes and should therefore be given due attention. Due to the paucity of relevant information in the historical records of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and scattered sporadic, this article can only roughly outline the relationship between the Northern Dynasties and Buddhism, fallacy, please correct me.