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盛大林先生在《质疑209字诗歌作文获满分》一文中说,“我仔细拜读了那首诗,确实好。但对判以满分,却大不以为然。原因很简单,此文没有遵守题目的规则要求。”又说,可能存在这样的情况,“有些考生本来也想写诗歌,而且其构思比那个考生更精巧,寓意更深刻,但考虑到难以凑够800字,不得不放弃了。也就是说,遵守规则反而吃了亏,这公 Mr. Sheng Dalin said in the article “Questioning 209 words poetry and composition”, “I read the poem carefully and it was really good. However, I did not agree with the perfect score. The reason is very simple. This article does not follow the rules of the title. “In addition, there may be such a situation,” some candidates originally wanted to write poetry, and their ideas are more elaborate than the candidate, meaning more profound, but considering that it is difficult to get 800 words, had to give up. Saying that if we follow the rules, we will suffer a loss.
恰到好处的议论用在诗文中能起到画龙点晴的作用。艾青的《给乌兰诺娃》一诗较短,我们不妨抄录下来: 像云一样柔软, 像风一样轻, 比月亮更明亮, 比夜更宁静——人体在太空里
人生的路,是不好走的。它到处充满了荆棘和陷阱,到处充满了坎坷和挫折。唉,人生就好像唐僧西天取经一般,必须渡过81道难关,才能到 The road of life is not good to go. It
夜已经深了,我依然无法入睡。我又想起了我那最爱的“拔丝山药”。山药在我们农村可是最常 The night is deep, I still can’t sleep. I also remembered my favorite “c
去年暑假,我跟随父母到古城洛阳去玩,参观了龙门石窟。龙门石窟位于洛阳市南郊的龙门山口处,距市区12.5公里。我们乘坐的汽车驶过了伊 Last summer, I followed my parents
Arm walk arm in arm:to walk with each other’s arminterlocked. 手挽手地走The pupils always walk arm in arm across the streetafter school. 小学生们放学后总是手
入座: Good evening,sir,have you made areservation?晚上好,先生,您定座位了吗? How many people are there in yourgroup?你们一共有几位? Please follow me. I’ll show