Summarizes the rust preventive work experience over the past few years. Improved rust prevention between processes, increased the emulsified grease content in the coolant for flat and uncentred processes to 2.5-3%, and the other process content was 1.5%. The rust-proofing machine used contained 2-3% of sodium nitrite solution, and the rust prevention in the intermediate warehouse still used the method of sodium nitrite heat rust prevention to strengthen the timely rust prevention. Into the assembly of the product according to the requirements of different 1% of the gasoline solution of 2-1, and 205 of the 204-1 gasoline solution and 901 oil for rust, military products, instrument bearings used when the time sequence of immersion rust. The intermediate library is filled with soapy water, alkali solution and triethanolamine aqueous solution before washing. The medium and large products are cleaned with OH-10 emulsifier before installation, cleaned with triethanolamine solution and gasoline, and then replaced with a rust preventive oil. assembly. The oil seal of the finished product was changed to cold oil, and the medium and large products were made of 204-1 and B type 204-1 antirust oil. Packaging materials are made of polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. The instrument bearing uses 101 anti-rust oil and triethanolamine solution in two ways, sealed with plastic pipe. It also introduced the experience of mobilizing the masses to do rust-proof work.