“卡斯堤亚”号(Castilla L52)是2001年6月服役的加利西亚级(Galicia)两栖登陆舰的2号舰。与1998年完成的1号舰相比,指控系统有所改进,舰内具备两栖作战用CIC(作战情报中心)与随战斗群使用的CIC。该舰满载排水量13815吨,全长160米,主机为柴油机,航速20节,可以搭载全副武装的400人登陆部队及所需器材。 该舰巨大的上层建筑的后部已成为飞机库,可以容纳4架“海王”直升机。飞行甲板正下方设有登陆艇用船坞。另外,上层建筑后端(后楼正后方)有“梅罗卡”20毫米CIWS(近程防御系统)的搭载点,但尚未装备CIWS。 这里的照片都是在美国诺福克港口拍摄的近影。
The Castilla L52 is the No. 2 carrier of the Galicia amphibious landing ship that was commissioned in June 2001. Compared with the No. 1 ship completed in 1998, the allegation system has been improved with a CIC for amphibious operations and a CIC for use with combat groups. The ship is fully loaded with a displacement of 13,815 tons, a total length of 160 meters, the host for the diesel engine, speed 20 knots, equipped with fully armed 400 landing force and the necessary equipment. The rear of the ship's massive superstructure has become a hangar that can accommodate four “Sea King” helicopters. Directly below the flight deck is a landing craft dock. In addition, there is a “Meroca” 20mm CIWS (Short Range Defense System) pick-up point on the back of the superstructure (behind the back of the building), but CIWS is not yet equipped. The photos here are close-ups shot in the port of Norfolk, USA.