砂仁系姜科豆蔻属植物,又是一种享有盛誉的常用中药材,具有理气安胎,清食开胃的功效。药用的品种除国产的阳春砂 Amomum villosum lour.和海南砂A.longiligulareT·L·Wu的干燥成熟果实外,还进口一种缩砂A.xanthioides Wall.的成熟干燥果实或种子团。由于砂仁药用较广,需求量大,多年来一直供不应求。这次省中药材公司从印度进口了十万余斤砂仁(现暂称“印度砂仁”),从药材外形和气味来看,质量较差,是什么品种?能否药用?托我们协助鉴定。为此,我们以阳春砂为对照特做了药材性状、挥发油含量和挥发油的薄层层析等工作,现将结果报告于后。
Amomum vulgare is a kind of ginger plant belonging to the genus Gingeraceae. It is also a well-known traditional Chinese medicinal material. In addition to the dried and mature fruits of domestically produced Amomum villosum lour. and Hainan A. longiligulare T.L.Wu, medicinal varieties also include a mature dry fruit or seed mass of A.xanthioides Wall. Because Amomum has a wide range of medicinal properties and a large demand, it has been in short supply for many years. This time, the provincial Chinese herbal medicine company imported more than 100,000 pounds of Amomum from India (now temporarily referred to as “India Amomum”). From the perspective of the appearance and smell of medicinal materials, the quality is poor, what kind of species is it? Can it be used medicinally? Assist in identification. For this purpose, we used medicinal materials, volatile oil content, and thin-layer chromatography for volatile oils as a control. The results are reported later.