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癌痛是癌症病人最痛苦,发生率最高的症状。癌痛发生率各家报道不一,主要与病种及病期有关,在50%~98%之间,约有3/4的癌症患者出现疼痛。由于得不到理想的疼痛控制,使其生活质量下降。1 癌痛原因 肿瘤病人的疼痛,究其原因,不外以下四个方面:(1)肿瘤生长引起的疼痛,占癌痛的70%。如因实质性器官肿瘤生长迅速,造成器官包膜紧张牵拉等;(2)与治疗有关引起的疼痛,即谓医源性疼痛,约占20%,如外科手术可能损伤神经末稍和导致瘢痕,留下创伤;放疗引起的灼伤 Cancer pain is the most painful cancer patients, the highest incidence of symptoms. The incidence of cancer pain varies according to different reports, mainly related to the disease type and the stage of the disease. About 50% to 98% of the patients have about 3/4 of the pain in the cancer patients. Poor quality of life due to lack of optimal pain control. 1 cancer pain cancer patients, the reason, except for the following four aspects: (1) tumor growth caused by pain, accounting for 70% of cancer pain. As a result of rapid growth of solid tumor, resulting in organ tension and other serious tension; (2) and treatment-related pain, iatrogenic pain, accounting for about 20%, such as surgery may damage the nerve endings and cause scars , Leaving trauma; burns caused by radiotherapy
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QT离散度(QT dispersinn,OTd)是体表心电图不同导联间最长。最短QT间期的差值。QT离散度反映心室复极的不一性和电不稳定性。已有临床研究证实QT离散度增加,提示急性心肌梗