患者女,37岁,1年半前无诱因持续性腰及左臀部钝痛。当地曾诊断为“腰椎结核”,用抗结核药物治疗8个月无效。近3个月来疼痛进行性加重,左下肢活动受限,迫于卧床,逐渐出现腰椎后突畸形而就诊。查体:第3腰椎棘突轻度后突畸形,左耻骨、坐骨有深部压痛、叩击痛;左髋关节活动中度受限。化验:Hb13g,WBC9.2×10~9/L,血沉16mm/h,1硷性磷酸酶7金氏单位。X 线骨片见第3腰椎椎体
The patient, 37 years old, had no incentive to continue lumbar and left buttock dullness for 1 year and a half. Locally diagnosed as “lumbar tuberculosis”, treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs failed for 8 months. Pain increased in the past 3 months, left lower limb movement was limited, forced to stay in bed, and lumbar kyphosis developed gradually. Physical examination: The third lumbar spinous process had mild kyphotic deformity, deep pubic bone, deep tenderness in the ischium, and percussion pain; moderate activity in the left hip joint. Laboratory tests: Hb13g, WBC9.2×10~9/L, ESR 16mm/h, 1 alkaline phosphatase 7Gold units. X-ray bones see the third lumbar vertebrae