文献报道具有光发作反应(photoparoxysmal re-sponse,PPR)的病人其特发性癫痫样异常(sponta-neous epileptiform abnormalities,SEAs)的发生率高达65%。虽然通常认为光发作反应预示原发性全身性癫痫,但与PPR相关的SEAs的临床意义尚不清楚。作者首次进行了光敏感病人发作分类与SEA相互关系的研究。 为了确定SEA类型和发作分类的关系,作者对115名具有PPR病人的脑电图和癫痫发作进行了分析。病人年龄3~79岁,平均22.5岁,临床数据主要从神经病学检查和实验室记录获得,但必要时也来自最初的医师记录。根据国际抗癫痫联盟分类和命
The incidence of sponta-neous epileptiform abnormalities (SEAs) in patients with photoparoxysmal re-sponse (PPR) has been reported in the literature to be as high as 65%. Although it is generally accepted that the photoreaction is predictive of primary generalized epilepsy, the clinical significance of PPR-related SEAs remains unclear. The authors conducted the first study of the relationship between light-sensitive patient seizures and SEA. To determine the relationship between SEA type and episode classification, the authors analyzed EEG and seizures in 115 patients with PPR. Patients ranged in age from 3 to 79 years with an average of 22.5 years of age, and clinical data were obtained primarily from neurological and laboratory records, but from the initial physician’s record if necessary. According to the International Union against Epilepsy classification and life