随着军事高新科技的迅猛发展,武器装备在现代战争中的地位愈加突出,武器装备建设已成为世界各国军队普遍关注的核心问题之一,成为当今世界军备的主要增长点。武器装备建设是一项投入巨大、周期较长、涉及军队建设方方面面的系统工程,因此,确定合理的发展思路显得尤为重要。越是“过紧日子”越应发展高新武器装备高新武器装备性能先进,备受兵家青睐,但造价十分昂贵,往往又令人闻而生畏,望而却步。一架第三代喷气式战斗轰炸机的价格在2000万~5000万美元,一辆 M1A1 坦克造价约1000万美元,一艘“宙斯盾”巡洋舰价格超过1亿
With the rapid development of high and new military technologies, the position of weapons and equipment in modern warfare has become increasingly prominent. The construction of weapons and equipment has become one of the core issues of general concern to the armed forces of various countries in the world and has become the major growth point of the world’s armaments. The construction of weaponry and equipment is a systematic project involving a huge investment and a long cycle involving all aspects of army building. Therefore, it is particularly important to determine a reasonable development concept. The more “too tight a day”, the more advanced the development of new and high-tech weaponry The advanced and highly-equipped weaponry and equipment are favored by the military. However, the cost is very expensive and often daunting and prohibitive. A third-generation jet fighter-bomber prices in the 20 million to 50 million US dollars, a M1A1 tank cost about 10 million US dollars, a “Aegis” cruiser price of more than 100 million