矿产资源开发利用的基本情况 到1999年年底,全国共有各类矿山企业16.5万个,其中按统计的生产规模划分,大型矿山503个,中型矿山1836个,小型及小型以下矿山16.3万个。全国各类矿业企业从业人员1061.4万人。1999年度,全国矿产资源开发总量(原矿产量)46.31亿吨(不含煤成气、天然气和二氧化碳气),其中石油1.602亿吨。开发天然气192.22亿立方米(未含海域天然气47.91亿立方米),煤成气0.989
By the end of 1999, there were 165,000 various types of mining enterprises in the country, of which 503 were large-scale mines, 1,836 medium-sized mines and 163,000 were small and small mines, according to the statistical production scale. Various types of mining enterprises employed 10614000 people. In 1999, the country’s total mineral resources development (crude output) of 4.61 billion tons (excluding coal gas, natural gas and carbon dioxide gas), of which 160.2 million tons of oil. Development of 19.222 billion cubic meters of natural gas (not containing 4.791 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the sea), 0.989