
来源 :政协天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong596
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去年的7月,是省政协文史委委员们记忆中不能淡忘的日子。热辣辣的太阳高悬空中,摄氏42度的高温把拥挤的街道烤得像一座巨大的蒸笼,在福州三坊七巷或大或小、或深或浅的宅子里进进出出的委员们,头晕目眩,汗流如注。当他们穿着湿透的衣裳坐下来与市领导座谈反馈时,心情是沉重的。三坊七巷和朱紫坊历史文化街区的保护状况,令他们担忧和痛心。他们向市领导提出了尽早修订保护规划并就地进行保护性整治和修复等建议。不久,文史委就向省领导报送了《三坊七巷和朱紫坊名人故居亟待整修保护》的专报 Last year in July, is the Provincial CPPCC members of the history and culture can not forget the memory of the day. Hot and spicy sun in the sky, the high temperature of 42 degrees Celsius roasted crowded streets like a huge steamer, in Fuzhou, San Fang Qixiang large or small, or dark or light house entering and leaving members, dizzy Dizzy, sweat like note. When they sat in wet clothes to sit down and talk with the city leadership feedback, the mood is heavy. San Fang Qi Xiang and Zhu Zifang historical and cultural district protection status, so that they worry and sad. They proposed to the municipal leaders that the protection plan should be revised as soon as possible and that protective remediation and restoration should be conducted on the spot. Soon, the Cultural and Historical Commission submitted to the provincial leaders, “Sanfangqixiang and Zhu Zifang celebrities need to renovate the ground before the protection of” special report
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民间传统文化的保护是一项泽被民族、功在千秋 的事业。自2002年以来,国家启动了民族民间文化 遗产保护工程,并正在逐步铺开试点。这项工程的浩 大,难以计日程功,而民间传统
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