输卵管扭转临床少见。由于病史不典型,症状较轻而体征明显,且对本病认识不足易造成误诊,增加了病人的痛苦。现将我院收治经手术确诊输卵管扭转6例,分析如下。临床资料本组6例,年龄21~25岁。已婚已育5例,未婚未育、有性生活史1例。其中1例合并妊娠35周。临床表现:6例有下腹钝疼,阵发性加剧,可耐受。2例恶心,1例呕吐。体检均有下腹触疼,3例可触及盆腔包块,3例因腹肌紧张触诊不满意。1例体温38.5℃,WBC13.5×10~9/L,N 0.90。4例行 B 超检查,3例卵巢
Tubal reverse clinical rare. As the history of atypical symptoms of mild and obvious signs, and lack of knowledge of the disease can easily lead to misdiagnosis, an increase of patient suffering. Now admitted to our hospital by surgery to diagnose tubal torsion in 6 cases, analyzed as follows. Clinical data The group of 6 patients, aged 21 to 25 years old. Married and educated in 5 cases, unmarried and offspring, a history of sexual life in 1 case. One case of pregnancy combined 35 weeks. Clinical manifestations: 6 cases of lower abdominal pain, paroxysmal aggravated, tolerable. 2 cases of nausea, 1 case of vomiting. Physical examination had lower abdominal pain, pelvic mass can be touched in 3 cases, 3 cases were not satisfied because of abdominal muscle palpation. A case of body temperature 38.5 ℃, WBC13.5 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N 0.90.4 routine B-ultrasound, 3 cases of ovarian