紧跟时代脉搏 挥写统计事业新篇章——新疆维吾尔自治区统计局

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伴随祖国前进的脚步,新疆统计事业已走过50年辉煌历程。尤其是改革开放20年来,新疆统计部门紧跟时代脉搏,艰苦创业,开拓进取,取得辉煌的成绩。自1980年自治区统计局恢复以来,先后成立了被称之为国家“轻骑兵”的三支抽样调查队,恢复和建立了县以上政府统计机构。目前已形成由政府统计、部门统计和企事业统计所组成的,集中统一领导、分级负责的统计体系。1400多名新疆儿女战斗在天山南北政府统计工作的各个岗位,撒下他们辛勤的汗水。50年来,新疆统计系统利用自身优势,多次完成了国情国力和省情省力调查,为党政领导和社会 With the progress of the motherland, statistical work in Xinjiang has gone through 50 years of glorious history. Especially since the reform and opening up, the statistics department of Xinjiang has followed the pulse of the times, pioneered hard work, pioneered and made brilliant achievements. Since the recovery of the Autonomous Region Statistics Bureau in 1980, three sample investigation teams called “state cavalry” have been set up to restore and establish government statistical agencies at or above the county level. At present, a statistical system consisting of government statistics, department statistics and enterprises and statistics has been formed, focusing on centralized leadership and grading. More than 1,400 Xinjiang children fought in various positions in the statistical work of the North-South Tianshan Government and sowed their hard sweat. Over the past 50 years, Xinjiang’s statistical system has made use of its own advantages and has repeatedly conducted surveys on the national strength of the country and on the province and province so as to provide guidance to party and government leaders and the society
1. Let’s go to karaoke.  我们去唱K吧。  2. Are you good at singing?  你唱歌拿手吗?  3. I’d like to request a song.  我想点首歌。  4. You sing first.(Go ahead. After you. )  你先唱。  5. How about a song, John?  约翰,你来唱一首吧。 
朋友,你是不是在为人际关系的冷淡发愁呢?你是不是在慨叹人情冷暖、世态炎凉呢?那么,请听我来说一说吧。 生活中有两种人:一种是人缘好、朋友多的人,他的道路是越走越宽广;另一种人
汪总编: 您好!国内最有影响的文摘类杂志——《读者》2000年第20期转摘了《公关世界》2000年第8期汤涛的《垃圾的作用》(注:该刊拟题)一文。我刚刚收到的中国人民大学书报资
创建爱婴医院后,如何继续巩固和发展爱婴医院成果,是摆在我们面前的又一个新的难题,现就此简述如下。 1 巩固和发展爱婴医院成果的先决条件 1.1 领导重视,是巩固和发展爱婴