On the basis of core analysis, it is very important for reservoir description and reservoir evaluation to set up a logging quantitative interpretation model of “core scale” to improve the interpretation accuracy. The author proposed a method of deep homing, data matching, and editing, correcting and standardizing the corresponding core logging data before establishing the model. On this basis, the log interpretation model of corresponding physical parameters is established. Based on the specific geologic conditions of hilly oilfields in Turpan-Hami basin, according to the density, neutron porosity, acoustic logging curves and natural gamma ray, natural gamma ray energy Spectral curves were established porosity and permeability and shale content, permeability model; Archie formula was established by the sandstone reservoir saturation interpretation model. Applying the above model to explain some representative wells in the hilly oilfield and comparing them with the test oil data, the coincidence rate reaches 914%