目的探讨农药常用有机溶剂对兔眼刺激性。方法分别取受试物0.1 ml滴眼,于给药后1、24、48、72 h和4、7、14、21 d观察兔眼部刺激症状,据GB 15670—1995《农药登记毒理学试验方法》对眼损伤进行评分及分级。结果有机溶剂对兔眼有刺激性,二甲苯、醋酸丁酯为无刺激性,苯、甲苯为轻度刺激性,乙醇、乙酸乙酯为轻度至中度刺激性,甲醇、异丙醇、正丁醇、丙酮为中度刺激性。结论多数农药常用有机溶剂对兔眼有不同程度刺激性。
Objective To investigate the irritation of rabbit eyes by common organic solvents used in pesticides. Methods 0.1 ml drops of the test substance were taken, and the eye irritation symptoms were observed at 1, 24, 48, 72 h and 4, 7, 14 and 21 d after administration. According to GB 15670-1995 “Toxicology Test of Pesticide Registration Methods ”to grade and grade eye damage. Results Organic solvents were irritating to the rabbit eyes. Xylene, butyl acetate were non-irritant, benzene and toluene were mild irritant, ethanol and ethyl acetate were mild to moderate irritant, methanol, isopropanol, Butanol, acetone is moderate irritant. Conclusion Most pesticides commonly used organic solvents on the rabbit eyes have different degrees of irritation.