去年的圣诞节和新年过得十分沉重。主要是发生了两件令人揪心的事,一件是印尼、泰国、斯里兰卡等国发生特大地震,引发海啸。根据最新报道,死亡人数已超过30 万人,实在触目惊心。另一件事是美国著名女作家苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag)因急性骨髓性白血病于12月28日在美国纽约曼哈顿斯隆-凯特林癌症中心去世,享年71岁。桑塔格之死的确出乎意料,因为就在去年5月23日,她还在《纽约时报杂志》上发表长文《论刑讯他人》(Regarding the Torture of Others),强烈谴责美国军队在伊拉克阿
Last year’s Christmas and New Year flies very heavy. Mainly two very disturbing things happened. One was a huge earthquake in Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka that triggered the tsunami. According to the latest report, the death toll has exceeded 300,000, which is shocking. Another thing is that Susan Sontag, a famous American woman writer, died of acute myeloid leukemia at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, New York on December 28, at the age of 71. The death of Sontag was unexpected because on May 23 last year, she published a long article on the New York Times Magazine about the Torture of Others, strongly condemning the U.S. forces in Iraq Ah