根据2004年10~11月我国鱿钓船在印度洋西北海域进行鸢乌贼资源调查所获得的资料,对表层浮游动物与鸢乌贼渔场分布之间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:桡足类、箭虫类和糠虾类在调查海域的出现率在86%以上。浮游动物总生物量平均值为39.51±114.06mg/m3。鸢乌贼的平均日产量为4.6 t,平均CPUE为3.90 ind/线/h。在浮游动物中,生物量最高的种类为尖尾海萤,平均值为24.30mg/m3,但空间分布差异极大,并且与中心渔场分布无关。其次为箭虫类、桡足类和糠虾类,生物量平均值分别为9.18mg/m3、2.32mg/m3和1.38mg/m3,与中心渔场分布关系显著,并可作为渔场分布的指示种类。
According to the data obtained from the squid fishing survey of Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis in the northwest Indian Ocean from October to November in 2004, the relationship between surface zooplankton and the distribution of fishing ground of Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis was discussed. The results showed that the occurrence rates of copepods, arrow insects and shrimp in the surveyed waters were over 86%. The average biomass of zooplankton was 39.51 ± 114.06mg / m3. The average daily output of the Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis was 4.6 t, with an average CPUE of 3.90 ind / line / h. In zooplankton, the species with the highest biomass was Agkistrodon acutus, with an average value of 24.30mg / m3, but the spatial distribution varied greatly and was not related to the distribution of the central fishery. Followed by arrowworms, copepods and shrimp, biomass averaged 9.18mg / m3, 2.32mg / m3 and 1.38mg / m3, respectively, which had a significant relationship with the distribution of central fisheries and could be used as an indicator of fishery distribution .