The 1994 International Conference on Water Quality and the 17th International Association of Water Quality Conferences and Exhibitions will be held in Budapest, Hungary from September 24 to September 30, 1994. The main contents of the meeting include: ① civil wastewater and pollution treatment technologies (including anaerobic digestion); ② industrial wastewater treatment and reuse; ③ nutrient recovery; ④ groundwater pollution and wastewater treatment; ⑤ sewers, overflow and urban drainage; ⑥ Agricultural and non-point pollution; ⑦ integrated management of the Danube and other large river basins; ⑧ water quality monitoring: classification of biological assessments and water quality standards; ⑨ lake management: nutrients and micro-pollutants; ⑩ monitoring methods, equipment and automation; (11) Systematic analysis and calculation in water quality management; (12) Health-related micro-organisms; (13) Water pollution research