
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcwf2009
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长江三峡地区中低山地存在多级不同性质类型的地貌面,与此同时,在垂直方向上分层的水、热资源配置又明显优于中国东部相应纬度水平地带的水、热资源配置。因此,本文强调在该地区低位地貌面开发过度情况下,中、高位地貌面的经济开发,旅游开发与农、林、牧开发相结合,实施综合开发策略 In the middle and low mountains of the Three Gorges area of ​​the Yangtze River, there are multi-level and topographical features of different types. At the same time, the allocation of water and heat resources in the vertical direction is obviously better than the allocation of water and heat resources in the corresponding latitudinal zone in east China. Therefore, this paper emphasizes that in the case of overdevelopment of low-level landform in the area, the combination of economic development, tourism development and development of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in the middle and high landscapes and implementation of comprehensive development strategy
焦点回顾  继八达岭野生动物园发生老虎咬人事件后,今年年初,宁波雅戈尔动物园也发生了一起老虎咬人事件。被咬游客系逃票翻墙误入虎园,后经抢救无效死亡。  据报道,该男子姓张,约50岁,籍贯湖北,是家里的顶梁柱,2000年就来宁波打拼,家境并不富裕。入园当天,他给妻子和两个孩子购买了130元一张的门票后,自己和朋友李某选择走小路,翻墙逃票进入动物园。只是他不知道,在翻越两道3米高的围墙,穿过中间的铁丝