Recently, news came from the National Special Farming Information. Following the shrinking sales of China’s fox and flax skins in 1999 and 2000, the price of skins will fall again this year after the price drops. According to market surveys, the retail price of blue fox fur has dropped from 400 yuan to 800 yuan per piece in 1996 to about 200 yuan per piece this year. The flax price has also dropped from 220 yuan to 250 yuan per piece. Each 120 yuan to 140 yuan, and there is still room for downward. There are two main reasons: First, the output soared. A few years ago, due to the massive purchases of fox skin and flesh skins in the international market, especially in the Russian market, the prices soared, stimulating a large number of breeding and breeding of foragers and multiplying fox and forage yields. In recent years, due to sharp drop in export volume, resulting in the market oversupply, a large backlog of leather goods. Second, the quality of decline. Many poor farmers own poor quality, lack of scientific management experience, reproductive technology behind the phenomenon of inbreeding ten