当核爆炸的蘑菇云在我国西部上空骤然升起的时候,绝大多数中国人对环境保护还知之不多.20多年过去了,当人们对自己的生存环境问题给予极大关注的时候,心里会产生一个疑问;我国的核试验曾给环境造成过多大影响?核试验场周围的居民健康是否受到了危害? 中南海的嘱咐 1964年10月16日,在新疆的一片亘古荒原上,升起了我国第一朵原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云. 最先从大气中监测到放射性微粒的国家是日本.
When the mushroom cloud of nuclear explosion suddenly rises in the west of our country, the vast majority of Chinese still do not know much about environmental protection .20 years later, when people pay great attention to their own living environment, they will feel Produced a doubt; China’s nuclear test had caused much impact on the environment? Whether the health of residents around the nuclear test site has been jeopardized? Zhongnanhai asked October 16, 1964, in Xinjiang, a piece of ancient wasteland, raised our country The first atom bomb exploded mushroom cloud. The first country from the atmosphere to monitor radioactive particles is Japan.