“我们的厂子虽然倒闭了,但我的退休金按月一分不少拿到手,还能报销医疗费用,这得感谢社会保险的政策好!”这是破产企业淄博打火机厂一位退休职工的肺腑之言。 “淄博市劳动制度改革之所以能迈出较大步子,关键在于综合配套,整体推进。这其中,社会保险制度改革,起着十分重要的作用。”一说起社会保险,市劳动局王昌铭局长便劲头十足,侃侃而谈,“随着社会主义市场经济的建立,企业要转换经营机制,走向市场,社会保险制度的改革必须与其他几项改革同步。淄博市委在较短的时间内,初步建立起全方位、一体化的社会保障体系,为企业改革保驾护航。”王局长的话有板有眼,掷地有声。翻开淄博市社会保险制度改革的记录,我们可以清晰地看到淄博人迈出的急匆匆的脚步—— 1986年10月,淄博市全面实行合同制职工社会养老保险;
“Although our factory closed down, but my pension a lot of monthly get a hand, but also reimbursement of medical expenses, thanks to the social insurance policy is good! ” This is a bankrupt Zibo lighter factory a retired Workers heartfelt words. “The reason why the reform of the labor system in Zibo City can make a big leap forward lies in its comprehensive support and overall promotion, of which the reform of the social insurance system plays a very important role.” “When talking about social insurance, the Municipal Labor Bureau Secretary Wang Changming is full of momentum, talking about, ”With the establishment of a socialist market economy, companies have to change their management mechanism to the market, the reform of social security system must be synchronized with several other reforms .Zibo Municipal Committee in a relatively short period of time Within the initial establishment of a comprehensive, integrated social security system, escorting the reform of enterprises. “” Secretary Wang has a bright face, throwing sound. Open Zibo City, the record of social security reform, we can clearly see the Zibo people took a hurried footsteps - October 1986, Zibo City, the full implementation of contract workers social pension insurance;