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  Directions:Read the following passage. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
  Domestic(驯养的)horses now pull ploughs,race in the Kentucky Derby,and carry police. But early horses weren’t tame(驯服的)enough to perform these kinds of tasks. Scientists think the first interactions humans had with horses were far different from those today.
  Thousands of years ago,people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time,people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication.
  As people began to tame and ride horses,they chose to keep those animals that had more desirable characteristics. For example,people may have chosen to keep horses that had a gentle personality so they could be ridden more easily. People who used horses to pull heavy loads would have chosen to keep stronger animals. Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals’genes. So as the domesticated horses reproduced,
  they passed the characteristics on to their young. Each new generation of houses would show more of these chosen characteristics.
  Modern day horse breeds come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This variety didn’t exist in the horse population before domestication.
  The Shetland horse is one of the smallest breeds—typically reaching only one meter tall. With short, strong legs, the animals were bred to pull coal out of mine shafts(矿井)with low ceilings. Huge horses like the Clydesdale came on the scene around 1700. People bred these heavy,tall horses to pull large vehicles used for carrying heavy loads.
  The domestication of horses has had great effects on societies. For example,horse were important tools in the advancement of modern agriculture. Using them to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads allowed people to farm more efficiently. Before they were able to ride horses, humans had to cross land on foot. Riding horses allowed people to travel far greater distance in much less time. That encouraged populations living in different areas to interact with one another. The new from of rapid transportation helped cultures spread around the world.
  1. Before domestication horses were ____________.
  A. caught for sports
  B. hunted for food
  C. made to pull ploughs   D. used to carry people
  2. After domestication, a gentle horse may ________.
  A. pass the characteristic of gentleness to its young
  B. be loved more by people
  C. be able to pull heavy loads
  D. gain more strength from its gene
  3. The author uses the Shetland horse as an example to show ________.
  A. it is smaller than the Clydesdale horse
  B. horse used to have gentle personalities
  C. some horses have better shaped than others
  D. horses were of less variety before domestication
  4. Horses contributed to the spread of culture by ________.
  A. carrying heavy loads
  B. changing farming methods
  C. serving as a means of transport
  D. advancing agriculture in different areas
  5. The passage is mainly about ________.
  A. why humans domesticated horses
  B. how humans and horses needed each other
  C. why horses came in different shapes and sizes
  D. how human societies and horses influenced each other
  1. B 细节理解题,根据第二段的内容来判断。
  2. A 第三段中有“Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals’ genes. So as the domesticated horses reproduced,they passed the characteristics on to their young”等说明。
  3. D 在讲到the Shetland horse之前,有一主题句“This variety didn’t exist in the horse population before domestication”,所以有关the Shetland horse的描述就是用来说明此主题的。
  4. C 文章最后一段提到:“allowed people to travel far greater distance...encouraged populations...to interact with one another.”
  5. D 文章前半部分讲人类如何改良马,后半部分讲马匹对人类的影响。选D合适。
双倍弯腰,就像老乞丐被麻袋压弯,半蹲不蹲,像丑老太婆一样咳嗽,我们透过污泥咒骂,直到我们在不祥的照明弹下转身开始向着遥远的休憩处跋涉。  男人们半睡半醒,很多人丢掉了靴子,但是仍然一瘸一拐池走,脚被血浸透。一瘸一拐,看不见东西,疲惫又醉酒,甚至听不到“59弹”的呼啸声,那炮弹育气无力,被甩在我们队伍的后面。  毒气!毒气!快,小伙子们——经过一阵迷狂的乱摸,及时戴上了笨重的防毒面具;但还是育人在于
在我们进入新世纪之时,我们需要做好准备去乘上信任、良知和直觉的风帆。只要我们乐于接受并适应生活中的种种未知,人生便是一次精彩的旅程。  ——伯特兰德·皮卡德,瑞士精神病学家,1998—1999年他与同伴Brian Jones首次成功驾驶一个热气球完成不间断环球旅行。  谁能够确认未来的梦想呢?命运是无法想象的,除非在梦中或是对那些热恋的人来说。  ——约翰·欧文,美国当代最知名的小说家之一,被美国
有些同学在写考场作文的时候总是会乐于集中展示社会的阴暗面,甚至还喜欢用很负面的语词和表述来诠释人生,扑面而来一种非常消极的世界观和人生观。当找他来分析的时候,他会告诉你,这就是真实啊!难不成你要我说假话吗?然后做恍然大悟状道,原来考场作文就是要教给我们造假和唱赞歌的哦!  同学,请不要这么着急地下结论。  我承认,你能够看到这个世界的阴暗面,并且用犀利的语言把它展现出来,这是你的认知能力之所在,或
1976年10月上旬某个晚上,约摸十点多钟,我出家门,下楼,行百余步,到一号楼上二层左拐,敲响121室。冯伯伯先探出头来,再退身开门。我突然说:“四人帮被抓起来了。”只见他紧紧盯着我,问:“真的?”我点点头。“什么时候?”“就前两天。”他若有所思,嘴张开,但并非笑容。  要说这“听风楼”,不高,仅丈余;不大,一室一厅而已。此房坐南朝北把着楼角,想必冬天西北风肆虐,鬼哭狼嚎一般,故得名“听风楼”。若
作文题:请以“他人的困苦”为题目作文。  要求:1. 写成记叙文或议论文。2.不少于800字。  这是一篇命题作文,首先应把握文题潜在的意味。既然有“他人”,潜在的就有一个“我”在。所以,“他人的痛苦是什么”,“与我有怎样的关联”,是两个写作基本点,缺一不可。而对“与我有怎样的关联”这一问题思考的深度、广度与角度,决定了文章的高下。但可能会有一部分学生止步于“同情”和“应该帮助”这个层次,这样写立
谷雨,满城玉兰花都落了。  柳絮纷纷扬扬地给北京的雾霾增稠,路上行人很少不戴口罩,谁也认不出谁。这样颓靡的春末,连周末赴会看话剧,也不过是敷衍大半年前订票时的雀跃。沐冬穿着浅水绿的长丝裙一个人坐在看台上,用僵硬的脖子勉强支着脑袋边看边犯困,恍惚想起几年前刚来这里的那个秋天,某天她在高速公路上从车窗里望出去,雨后云烟婉转衔远山,绵绵无涯,日暮余辉轻抚着浸透了雪青色的云山,霞光流转……那时的天色比如今
刚念大一的时候学校给我们开了一门课,每个星期都让系里的一位教授给我们介绍他们的学术研究方向。做生态文学研究的王诺教授一开场的话就惊讶到我了。他说读中文系就应该“浪”,放浪不羁,念文学的人如果没有一点特立独行的姿态还叫作文学系吗?  我已经记不得他整堂课下来都说了些什么,唯独记下了这句话,并且常常在我耳边回响。  念高中的时候,厦大中文系并不是我的首选,我一直以来想去的是复旦的中文系。高三那年因为去
巴黎作为浪漫之都的名头响亮了许久,即使不少人在亲自赴巴黎旅行之后有幻灭之感,也无法阻挡无数年轻人前去朝圣的决心。在话痨导演伍迪艾伦的《午夜巴黎》中,一位年轻人就将这种情结发挥到了极致。  一家美国人因为生意和公务原因去巴黎旅行,这个家庭里有一对已经订婚的年轻情侣。这对情侣的爱意在巴黎的清晨和白天里越发地浓厚起来,他们简直恨不得马上就可以举行婚礼——“浪漫之都”巴黎的催情作用名不虚传。一天里面不同时