对于圆盘拨号电话,应用短的程序和简单的接口,就能使用熟知的 M6800微处理机,按照指令拨动存贮的电话号码。于是,对于商用拨号盘自动化,多功能微处理机变为可实用的另一种方法。刚开始,它仅实现一种功能,并且是昂贵的——多半因为它们的需要量很大。
For disc dialing, using a short program and a simple interface, the well-known M6800 microprocessor can be used to dial stored telephone numbers as directed. As a result, multifunction microprocessors became another practical method of commercial dial automation. At the beginning, it only achieved one function, and it was expensive - mostly because of their high demand.