一、养殖方式 通常采用笼养法养殖育珠蚌。先用毛竹、木棍打桩,用粗的尼龙绳作横栏,架于水面。在绳上每隔几米固定一塑料泡沫或密封空塑料瓶以增加浮力,然后将育珠蚌放置在胶丝网笼内悬吊于绳上,行距1.5米,笼距在1米左右,放养于绳下20~30厘米的水层之中养殖,吊养深度应随季节而变化,春季离水面25厘米,夏季离水面50厘米,秋季离水面40厘米,
First, the breeding method is usually used to cultivate cultured pearl mussel. First with bamboo, wooden piling, with coarse nylon rope for cross bar, stand on the water. Fixed a plastic foam or sealed empty plastic bottle every few meters on the rope to increase the buoyancy, and then placed the pearl mussel in a wire cage suspended on a rope with a row spacing of 1.5 meters and a cage distance of about 1 meter, stocking in Rope 20 to 30 cm of aquaculture, the depth of suspension should change with the seasons, the spring 25 centimeters from the surface, the summer 50 cm from the water surface, the fall from the water 40 cm,