
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyc319
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Objective: To describe the management of tobacco withdrawal in pregnant women. Study design: The questionnaire-based, descriptive survey included 979 post-partum women. The variables analysed included the characteristics of the mother and neonate at delivery, her smoking habits, her level of exposure to passive smoking, and the barriers to giving up smoking. The chi square test was used to analyse qualitative variables and the Students t-test for quantitative variables. Results: 76% of women who smoked at the start of pregnancy said that they had been asked about their tobacco consumption. However, only 16% had been asked by a clinician or midwife about their attempts to stop smoking. Seven percent were offered a specialised consultation, but only one-third attended. Seventy-six percent of women who failed to stop smoking during pregnancy had a partner who smoked compared with 63% of women who gave up. Dependency and stress during pregnancy also were lower for women who stopped smoking. Conclusions: Health care professionals seems to offer only rudimentary care. Simple strategies to help women give up smoking are required. The partner is an important target, especially if he can be persuaded to give up at the same time. Study design: The questionnaire-based, descriptive survey included 979 post-partum women. The variables analyzed the characteristics of the mother and neonate at delivery, her smoking habits, her level of exposure to passive smoking, and the barriers to giving up smoking. The chi square test was used to analyze qualitative variables and the Students t-test for quantitative variables. Results: 76% of women who smoked at the start of pregnancy said that that However, only 16% had been asked by a clinician or midwife about their attempts to stop smoking. Seven percent were offered a specialized consultation, but only one-third attended. failed to stop smoking during pregnancy had a partner who smoked compared with 63% of women who gave up. Dependency and stress during pregnancy also were lower for women who stopped smoking Conc strategies: Health care ads seems to offer only rudimentary care. Simple strategies to help women give up smoking are required. The partner is an important target, especially if he can be persuaded to give up at the same time.
目的以聚乙二醇维生素E琥珀酸酯与胆酸钠为载体制备紫杉醇混合胶束,并研究其在大鼠小肠各部位的吸收情况。方法 采用薄膜分散法制备紫杉醇混合胶束,激光散射粒度测定仪测定
To assess the outcomes of bilateral hypogastric (internal iliac) ligation performed to control intractable pelvic hemorrhage and avoid hysterectomy. Methods: A
Objective: This study was performed to determine the prevalence of GBS and to identify GBS colonisation risk factors in a multicultural population of pregnant w
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