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沂蒙山区 ,这块曾使无数革命先烈为之奋斗的土地 ,在改革开放的强劲春风吹拂下 ,散发出勃勃生机。今日山区 ,人杰地灵 ,在建设山区、振兴家园的实践中 ,涌现出一批批先进模范人物 ,龚洪涛就是其中一名。龚洪涛 ,一九六八年毕业于大连化工学院化工机械系。当时 ,他没有留恋大城? Yimeng Mountain, a land once battled by numerous revolutionary martyrs, exudes vitality under the strong spring breeze of reform and opening up. Today, the mountains, old times, in the construction of mountainous areas, the revitalization of their homes practice, emerged a batch of advanced models, Gong Hongtao is one of them. Gong Hongtao, graduated from the Department of Chemical Machinery, Dalian Institute of Chemical Technology in 1968. At that time, he did not nostalgia for the big city?
作为一位具有开创性的童书编辑,美国哈珀出版社的厄苏拉·诺德斯特姆身上有许多优秀的品质,包括热爱读者、尊重作者、大胆创新,值得当今所有童书编辑学习和效仿。 As a grou
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现代营销不仅仅是赢策略,拼创新,更是赢在执行。我们用“策略”来制定企业的中长期发展计划,用“创新”保持企业可持续发展的生命力,而“执行”则是取胜的根本保证。 知易行
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