Improved oxidation resistance of chemical vapor reaction SiC coating modified with silica for carbon

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shigoujushi
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To protect carbon/carbon (C/C) composites from oxidation, a SiC coating modified with SiO2 was prepared by a complex technology. The inner SiC coating with thickness varying from 150 to 300 μm was initially coated by chemical vapor reaction (CVR): a simple and cheap technique to prepare the SiC coating via siliconizing the substrate that was exposed to the mixed vapor (Si and SiO2) at high temperatures (1 923?2 273 K). Then the as-prepared coating was processed by a dipping and drying procedure with tetraethoxysilane as source materials to form SiO2 to fill the cracks and holes. Oxidation tests show that, after oxidation in air at 1 623 K for 10 h and thermal cycling between 1 623 K and room temperature 5 times, the mass loss of the CVR coated sample is up to 18.21%, while the sample coated with modified coating is only 5.96%, exhibiting an obvious improvement of oxidation and thermal shock resistance of the coating. The mass loss of the modified sample is mainly contributed to the reaction of C/C substrate with oxygen diffusing through the penetrating cracks formed in thermal shock tests. The inner SiC coating with thickness change from 150 to 300 μm was initially coated by chemical vapor reaction (CVR): a simple and cheap technique to prepare the SiC coating via siliconizing the substrate that was exposed to the mixed vapor (Si and SiO2) at high temperatures (1 923-2 273 K). Then the as-prepared coating was processed by a dipping and drying procedure with tetraethoxysilane as source materials to form SiO2 to fill the cracks and holes. Oxidation tests show that, after oxidation in air at 1 623 K for 10 h and thermal cycling between 1 623 K and room temperature 5 times, the mass loss of the CVR coated sample is up to 18.21%, while the sample coated with modified coating is only 5.96% exhibiting an obvious improvement of oxidation and thermal shock resistance of the coating. The mass loss of the modified sample is mainly contributed to the re action of C / C substrate with oxygen diffusing through the penetrating cracks formed in thermal shock tests.
作者按语: 我校自从1985年体育课开设网球专项班,至今已走过15年的历程。现在每年有近千名学生报名参加网球班学习。校男女网球队从1986年组队至今,常年进行常规训练。1993年我校被国家教委批
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