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腎結石較小者,行腎盂切開取石術並无困難,甚或較大的結石,亦可无庸犧牲腎組織而予摘出;但若結石相當大或因解剖的特殊性,(腎內腎盂)就不是那樣容易了。有時可在腎之側緣作一較小切口,取除結石,組織損傷並不大,若是充滿腎盂的結石,作一較小切口就不可能摘除,即或将腎石挾碎取出,造成的損傷仍相當大。對於這種病例,可采用自腎側緣作縱行切開法(部分切開)及腎臓橫行切開法兩種方法。縱行切開過去常被應用,因其似乎符合腎之血管結構,理應損傷較小,但這是值得懷疑的,因爲泌尿系畸形極爲普遍,腎臓亦不例外,自此推論的腎縱切損傷性最少自亦不可靠,故這種方法現今已少應用。 The smaller kidney stones, line pyelolithotomy with no difficulty, or even larger stones, may also be expelled without sacrificing renal tissue; but if the stone is quite large or anatomical specificity (renal pelvis) is not That’s easy. Sometimes in the side of the kidney for a smaller incision, remove stones, tissue damage is not large, if it is full of renal pelvis stones, a small incision can not be removed, that is, or the kidney stone broken broken out, resulting in The damage is still quite large. For this case, can be used since the lateral margin of the kidney as the longitudinal incision (partial incision) and the renal pelvis transverse incision of two methods. Longitudinal incision has traditionally been used because it appears to conform to the vascular structure of the kidneys and should be less likely to be damaged, but this is questionable because urinary deformities are extremely common and nephrons are no exception. Since then, At least from the unreliable, so this method is now less applied.
输尿管导管是泌尿外科在检查和治疗时不可缺少的工具。1956年,中山医学院利用电线自制输尿管导管,不仅价钱低廉,取材容易,质量 Ureteral catheters are an indispensable t
作者指出到現在为止,泌尿生殖系統結核之分类法不是本質的。如病理解剖学家,Ber nard,solomon、LandouZy、等氐倡議之泌尿生殖系統結核之分类法,不能反映所有的临床表現多样
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1.本文报告了1958年4月至1959年5月共有19例尿瘻經手术修补后,全部愈合,并对2例并发症进行了討論。 2.在19例中,18例(94.7%)系生产所致,1例(5.7%)为結核性瘻。 3.对瘻管大、瘢
作者对125例住院和门诊各型原发性肾小球肾炎病人,进行血浆VIII R∶Ag的测定。检查发现,除肾病型恢复期外,其它各型原发性小球性肾炎的VIII R∶Ag都高于正常对照。在肾病综合