“4643”是省农科院经作所从(2930×中_7)的杂交后代中选育而成,是一个“有苗头”的棉花品系。它具有纤维品质优良,丰产性较好,耐病性较强等优点。 一、特征特性 1、特征 “4643”株型较松散,株高约120厘米,茎秆粗硬,主茎节间较长,叶枝较多,第一果枝着生节位高,果枝上举,根系发达,铃卵圆型,中上部铃较大,一般单铃重5克以上,子指约10克,衣分40%以上,绒长30毫米。 2、特性 该品系属中熟偏迟的陆地棉,1987~1988年两年平均出苗至吐絮132天。好拿苗,后劲足。苗、蕾期生长势强,对氮肥反应敏感,有纵向生长优势。株型疏朗,
“4643” is the provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences by the work from (2930 × _7) of the offspring of breeding, is a “precocious” cotton lines. It has excellent fiber quality, good yield, good disease resistance and so on. First, the characteristics and characteristics of 1, the characteristics of “4643” plant type more loose, plant height of about 120 cm, stem hard, long between the main stems, leafy branches more, the first fruit branch with the birth position is high, Roots developed, bell oval, the upper part of the larger bell, the general boll weight of 5 grams or more, the child refers to about 10 grams, clothing points more than 40%, velvet length 30 mm. 2, Characteristics The strain is a moderately mature upland cotton, 1987 ~ 1988, the average annual emergence of two to 132 days. Take good seedlings, stamina enough. Miao, bud growth potential strong, sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer, a longitudinal growth advantage. Plant type lonely,