正副理事长、各位理事、各位代表: 2001年12月6日在海口举行了四届三次理事会扩大会议,今天整整一年了。一年来,在理事会领导下,在各会员单位的密切关心、大力支持下,协会秘书处紧紧围绕理事会确定的工作计划和中国通用机械工业协会交办的各项工作开展活动,取得了较好的效果,获得各会员单位的赞许。现将一年来的工作简要总结如下: 一、组织行业企业管理研讨会,进行企业体制改革中管理模式的探索与交流 1、组织召开经营管理工作研讨会
The vice chairman, members, deputies: December 6, 2001 held in Haikou three enlarged council council three times a year today. In the past year, under the leadership of the Board of Directors and with the close support and care of all member units, the secretariat of the Association has closely followed the work plan set by the Board of Governors and all the work assigned by China General Machinery Industry Association, Good effect, get the praise of the member units. The work of the past year are briefly summarized as follows: First, organize seminars on business management of enterprises, to explore and exchange management models in the reform of the enterprise system 1, organize seminars on management work