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阅唐式良“陈皮、枳壳用新鲜者为好”一文(《中药材科技》,(5):28,1983),颇有新鲜感,但对其:“陈皮鲜用”的提法却并不赞同。唐文提出鲜用的理由主要是因为鲜者含大量挥发油(2—4%)之故。其实,橘皮中的挥发油仅有刺激胃肠,促进消化液分泌及刺激性祛痰作用。而橘皮的药用功效却不止于此,如《医林纂要》云:“橘皮,上则泻肺邪、降逆气;中则燥脾湿,和中气;下则舒肝本,润肾命。”而这些仅靠挥发油是难以做到的。近代药理实验证实:陈皮水煎剂中有肾上腺素样的成分存在,但较肾上腺素稳定,煮沸时不被破坏。而橘皮中挥发油在煮沸过程中几乎全部逸散掉了。笔者曾做过鲜桔皮和陈皮的水煎剂中挥发油的分析实验。煮沸20分钟后,用常规定性法几乎检不到挥发油。可见橘皮水煎剂的成分不是挥发油类,而是水溶性的、非挥发性的耐热成分,主要是黄酮类化 Read Tang Shiliang’s article “Cypresseskin and Citrus aurantium with fresh ones” (Chinese Medicinal Materials Science and Technology, (5): 28, 1983). It is quite fresh, but its formulation: “Chenpi fresh used” is not Agree. The reason why Tang Wen proposed fresh use is mainly because fresh people contain a large amount of volatile oil (2-4%). In fact, the volatile oil in the orange peel only stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the secretion of digestive juice and stimulates the phlegm. The medicinal efficacy of orange peel does not stop there, such as “Medical Lin Yao Yao” cloud: "Orange peel, on the evil lung, on the contrary, the gas is dry in the spleen, and the gas; the next Shuganben , Run kidney life.” And these are only difficult to achieve by volatile oil. Modern pharmacological experiments confirmed that there are epinephrine-like components in the decoction of dried tangerine peel, but they are more stable than epinephrine and are not destroyed when boiled. The volatile oil in the orange peel almost escaped during the boiling process. I have done analysis experiments of volatile oil in decoction of fresh orange peel and dried tangerine peel. After boiling for 20 minutes, almost no volatile oil was detected by the routine method. Visible orange peel decoction is not a volatile oil, but a water-soluble, non-volatile heat-resistant ingredients, mainly flavonoids
合成新鱼腥草素(N eo-Honttuyninum),十二酰乙醛亚硫酸钠为我院药学系所合成,并认为对附件炎,宫颈炎,盆腔炎与呼吸道感染等炎症疾患有肯定疗效,现已广泛用于临床抗炎治疗,无
我国民间用蚂蚁治病有悠久历史。我厂采用蚁科动物拟黑多刺蚁(Polyrha chis Vicina Roger),以醇渗滤法制成酒剂、片剂及冲剂,经初步临床观察,对风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节
《温病条辨》(简称《条辨》)是指导中医临床的重要著作之一,书中载方剂204首,广为医者采用,然其服药方法更切临床实际。兹就其特点总结如下: 一日二次服药法《条辨》用此法
山胡椒Lindera glauca(Sieb.et Zucc)Bl.系樟科植物。我国分布很广,陕西省主要分布在秦岭南坡和巴山地区。据调查,仅汉中地区年产果实可达850吨,资源相当丰富。但至今尚未很